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Victoria Road Rules Test 5

1 / 25

Who you do you have right-of-way over when making a U-turn?

2 / 25

The safest way of navigating when driving alone is what?

3 / 25

Children must be seated in a child restraint with inbuilt harness facing either forward or rearward between six months and what age?

4 / 25

Scanning the road properly means...?

5 / 25

You must not travel in the right hand lane of a freeway except for overtaking or...?

6 / 25

Your safety margin is...?

7 / 25

Your vehicle may be impounded if you are caught traveling at what speed over the speed limit?

8 / 25

Which of these has absolute right away in a shared zone?

9 / 25

If you are blinded by bright sunlight as you are driving into it at sunset, what should you do?

10 / 25

When is a road most slippery due to rain?

11 / 25

When making a hook turn, you should enter an intersection...?

12 / 25

If you allow something to distract you unnecessarily when driving, you could be penalized with...?

13 / 25

On a roundabout, which of these can make a right turn from the left lane?

14 / 25

Compared to experienced drivers, the risk of a probationary driver crashing is...?

15 / 25

The first thing to do at the site of a crash where somebody is injured is to...?

16 / 25

You should try to avoid driving for more than...?

17 / 25

When faced with an aggressive driver, you should...?

18 / 25

You must not park within what distance of an Australia Post mailbox?

19 / 25

The maximum permitted blood alcohol concentration for driving in Victoria is below what?

20 / 25

What is the default speed limit on freeways/outside built-up areas in Victoria?

21 / 25

If your licence is cancelled for drink driving offenses, you will have to use and alcohol interlock device for at least...?

22 / 25

Which of these are learners and probationary licence holders allowed to do with a mobile phone when driving?

23 / 25

What is the first stage of learning to drive?

24 / 25

Which of these can a learner driver tow?

25 / 25

To avoid an oncoming vehicle, you have had to place your nearside wheels off the tarmac. What should you do next?

Your score is




What is the minimum time you must spend on a P1 probationary licence before moving on?

12 months

In Victoria, what is the minimum time you must spend on a P2 probationary licence before moving on?

36 months

What is the minimum age for sitting the learner permit test in Victoria?

16 years

In the minimum supervised driving hours you must log before taking your driving test, how many must be at night?

In Victoria, what is the minimum age for obtaining a probationary licence?

In Victoria,  what is the minimum age for taking the hazard perception test?
17 years 11 months

For how long in total (minimum) do you have to hold a probationary licence before you can progress to a full licence if you are aged under 21?
Four years

How many passengers aged between 16 and 22 years can you carry on a probationary P1 license?

What is the maximum number of demerit points you can accumulate on a P1 licence in 12 months without suspension?

In Victoria,  a probationary licence holder may not drive a vehicle manufactured before January 1, 2010. How many cylinders does it have?