Once you have prepared sufficiently for your exam, you need to make sure that you schedule and pay for your exam. On the day of the exam, you will be required to show specific types of identification so you need to know exactly what they are well in advance. For instance, you will need proof of identity and residency (i.e. current medical card, current student ID, and etc).

ACT Road Rules Test 6

1 / 25

Learner car driver licence holders must display how many L plates on their vehicle when driving?

2 / 25

Which of these categories of licence holder must have a zero-alcohol concentration when driving?

3 / 25

At an intersection controlled by traffic lights, you must not make a U-turn unless...?

4 / 25

A U-turn on roads without median strips from...?

5 / 25

You should always attempt to park within what distance of the kerb?

6 / 25

On multilane roads with speed limits over 80 km/h, which of these is not a legitimate reason to be in the right-hand lane?

7 / 25

Vehicles should always be parked parallel and close the left-hand side of the street and...?

8 / 25

When you have driven through water, you should...?

9 / 25

On dark roads, you should never drive at a speed that makes your braking distance...?

10 / 25

When a school zone is 'open' the standard speed limit changes to...?

11 / 25

In a car traveling at 100 km/h, what is the total stopping distance?

12 / 25

If you are being tailgated, what should you do?

13 / 25

How many penalty points will you incur for exceeding the speed limit by 45 km/h +?

14 / 25

A driving licence is a...?

15 / 25

When driving down steep hills, you should reduce speed and...?

16 / 25

Which of these should you avoid using when driving in fog or smoke?

17 / 25

The risk of driver fatigue greatly increases when you have been awake for how long?

18 / 25

Under what circumstances is it permissible to double park your vehicle?

19 / 25

A wombat zone is marked by...?

20 / 25

At what speed will a pedestrian or cyclist almost certainly be seriously injured or die if hit by a vehicle?

21 / 25

You must always use your headlights...?

22 / 25

In a 'No Parking' zone, your vehicle will be regarded as unattended if you stray more than how far from it?

23 / 25

You could still be over the BAC limit up to how long after you stop drinking?

24 / 25

Who has right-of-way when a vehicle is joining a major arterial road?

25 / 25

In a vehicle traveling at 40 km an hour, how far will it travel in the time between the driver recognizing a danger and the brakes being applied?

Your score is



The Benefits of Adequate Practice

Regularly practicing before taking the ACT Learners Practice Test is analogous to building a strong, reliable foundation before constructing a house. Practice increases familiarity with the type of questions you might encounter and builds confidence in your decision-making skills. Furthermore, it exposes you to various driving scenarios, enhancing your ability to think critically and react appropriately in real-world situations. Adequate preparation also significantly reduces test anxiety, allowing you to perform at your best. In essence, the more you practice, the better equipped you are to pass the test and become a safe, responsible driver on the road.

Road Safety and the Bigger Picture

As mentioned earlier, ACT prioritizes road safety. The state has implemented various initiatives to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on its roads. These include strict laws against speeding, drunk driving, and other dangerous behaviors and targeted education campaigns to promote safe driving practices. By taking the ACT Learners Practice Test seriously and familiarizing yourself with the rules and regulations, you are increasing your chances of passing the test and contributing to the bigger picture of road safety in the state.